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14 E Madison Ave
Dumont, NJ, 07628
In 1896 the entrepreneurial Mary Rohrs opened a storefront in New York City's Yorkville neighborhood, now the Upper East Side. M. Rohrs House of Fine Tea & Coffee, offered freshly roasted coffee by the pound and by the cup, plus exotic teas from far away places.
Back then, farms remained in much of the city and traffic jams were mainly of the horse-and-buggy variety, but coffee was pretty much the same. People drank it first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and with friends and family over special occasions.
They purchased coffee from M. Rohrs, because they knew that Mary had the freshest beans and a coffee-loving staff with the knowledge to help them find the right roast or blend to suit each person’s taste.
Over a century later, M. Rohrs has moved to the web, but our dedication to sourcing delivering great coffee hasn't faltered.